2022…definitely not 2020two

Snehal Karia
3 min readJan 1, 2022
Photo by Eyestetix Studio on Unsplash

On this special day, many people say it’s just a day! For me it’s a welcome change. I know we thought about this last 31st Dec too but this time it’s with a twist. Last year was with a hope that things will be better. This year it’s with a thought that things will never be the same again and that we need to adapt to the new. Now no more hoping. No more wishing for things to change. Things to improve. Now no more wanting to change. Now, it’s just acceptance and a strong determination to restart our lives with renewed zeal and positivity. As they say, change is the only constant in our lives, now is the time to understand the deep meaning of this statement and accept the fact that our lives have changed, and if we want, this could be a change for good.

So what is your new year resolution? Improve your relations with your near and dear ones? Do some good business? Impress your boss and make your job more profitable and stable? Give more time to your family, specially your kids? Improve your fitness levels and take care of your health? I would say the new year’s resolution should be to just be disciplined…self disciplined…consistently self disciplined. Can you do that? I am going to try. This one trait can ensure all the above can be managed and handled.

Discipline in life is the key to success. Success in personal as well as work life. Health matters need discipline in food habits, drinking habits, smoking habits. Fitness matters need discipline in early morning routines like workouts, regular cardio activities, proper sleep hours, timely food habits, etc. Work areas need discipline in reporting hours, completing tasks on time, working promptly on assigned responsibilities, etc. Personal relations demands discipline in giving enough time to family members, being prompt in completing house chores and home associated payments and expenses, and support to elderly.

My personal new year resolution is declaring 2022 as my health year. Everything I do this year or in other words I will do everything this year with an intent of improving my health. Not that I have any issues but because one thing that the pandemic has taught me is that “health is wealth’ and I want to improve my wealth 😉. I will need to be disciplined, self-disciplined, and that too consistently self-disciplined. And I am ready for that. Are you?

Year 2020 and 2021 has taught us, as Amrita Goel says, “Nobody will protect you from your suffering. You can’t cry it away or eat it away or starve it away or walk it away or punch it away or even therapy it away. It’s just there, and you have to survive it. You have to endure it. You have to live through it and love it and move on and be better for it and run as far as you can in the direction of your best and happiest dreams across the bridge that was built by your own desire to heal.”

Be the architect of your own life and it’s upto us as to how we want our future life to be. We can get into depression and waste our life as well as the lives of our near and dear ones, or take up the challenge, accept the reality and stand up to face life from the front. Be an example to those who follow you, depend on you. It’s now not only about being positive and spreading positive vibes…it’s now about even working positive and adopting change. And that would make your life worth living and one day you will be proud of what you achieved and you will be telling stories to your younger ones about this phase of your life.

End note:

Life is fair…it’s not unfair. If life is what you make out of it, how can life be unfair? Can you be unfair to your own self? Can you do unfair deeds to your own self? Be positive, stay positive, act positive and the world will be yours to conquer. The first step to prosper is to know what the problem is. Today’s problem is the challenge to change and adapt…so do it. After all there is always victory after you conquer fear.

Wishing you all a very happy, prosperous, successful, and healthy year 2022!

